28 September 2008

Owe Money Pay Money


Recently a couple of loan shark was in town for some financial discussion.
Loan shark are a type of financial institution that is unregulated much like some investment bankers.
If you owe them money, they will shout and scream.
And do a song and dance routine
to irritate you until you pay...........much like what this guy does
Owe money Pay money is their favourite slogan



Actually he is part of the Underground Hip Hop group from Hong Kong.
They were in town for the Singapore F1 party.
They performed at the MoS ( Ministry of Sound) but their vocals were completely
drowned out by MoS horrible bass heavy sound system.
There were no mids no highs, just bass...........much like in the movie "Earthquake".
"Sensurround" base that would shake your internal organs.

I can't make out a word they were singing much less what language they were singing.
Apparently they were singing in cantonese and some english.

